Treasure Island

Treasure Island poster

Written by: Jim Sperinck

Directed by: Andrew Raymond

January 2012

Long John Silver, Captain of the Hispaniola, arrives at the Admiral Benbow Inn searching for a treasure map (which Innkeeper Dame Sally Forth has hidden about her person!) and the hilarious adventures begin.

Cast List

Sally Forth
Keith Goody
Jack Forth
James Hughes
Squire Trelawney
John Hughes
Jim Hawkins
Sandra Trott
Long John Silver
Phil Davis
Jolly Roger
Simon Haskell
Blind Pugh
Linda Raymond
Doctor Livesey
Irene Davis
Mary Forth
Rebecca Smith
Wendy Wetherill
Ben Gunn
Jean Appleton
Israel Hands
Jenny Pavitt
Lost Pirates
Rhys Burrell;Christian Vince;Adam Hughes;Tom Hughes;
Linda Cearns;Deborah Cullen;Ann Doherty;Samantha Dunk;Tracy Foster;Emma Harmston;Barbara Harrold;Martin Herford;Rhona Howard;Rosemarie Nelson;Andrew Raymond;Tracy Slade;Sarah Taylor;Ken Templey;
Linda Cearns;Samantha Dunk;Tracy Foster;Emma Harmston;Rhona Howard;Rosemarie Nelson;Tracy Slade;Sarah Taylor;


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